Thursday 13 December 2012

Margaret River

Margaret River showed us a different landscape from everywhere else we’d been in Australia so far; winding road engulfed in giant forest trees, it was beautiful. The only thing we didn’t like about the region was the fact it was raining! Rain in Australia… what’s up with that?!

Margaret River is renowned for its many wineries, so after settling into our campsite for the evening, we booked to go onto a wine tour in a day’s time, which we were very excited about.

Our first full day in Margaret River was spent visiting ‘Lake Cave’. On the drive over to it we felt like we were driving through a scene from Twilight or fantasy world. The forest was lush green and looked amazing. Becky exclaimed whilst driving… “This is the kind of place fairies live” and a few minutes later, look what we stumble across…

After exploring the forests, we arrived at Lake Cave. We climbed down the never ending steps to enter the cave and the view was breath taking. The tranquil lake reflects the lime stone formations above it, lit up by gentle lighting. It looked amazing.

We ended the day by heading back to Margaret River and enjoying a nice brownie dessert and a glass of wine at a local pub, prepping ourselves for the wine tour tomorrow.

The wine tour was an all day tour of three local wineries, a venison farm, a chocolate factory, a cheese factory and finally a brewery. We headed to our first winery, where we’d also be having lunch. We got shown around the winery and they explained all about the process of wine making before sitting down for our first tasting. There were around ten different wines to sample and we soon became wine connoisseurs…

We sat down for lunch with our tour group and indulged in another glass of wine alongside a delicious serving of fish and chips. The restaurant overlooked the rolling hills of the winery, it was a lovely location.

Next, we headed to the venison farm and Lydia tasted some samples of venison, kangaroo and emu. The venison pate came out on top, but still not the food I’d choose off a menu!

We hit another two wineries after this, which meant another two wine tasting sessions. Somehow we were still going! From all the tastings, we’d discovered that ‘pink moscato’, an extremely sweet tasting wine, was our favourite. Feeling a bit merry, we headed to the cheese factory, eating yet more free samples of cheese, yoghurt, breads and dips. Then our excitement flurried as we headed towards the chocolate factory and once side we stuffed ourselves full of the free samples, with Becky literally filling her pockets with it on the way out.

By now, you would have thought the tour bus would have just taken us all home. Instead, we headed to a brewery for one last drink. So we tucked in to an ice cold cider and then finally made our way back to the campsite.

For some odd reason, we both thought that we needed dinner after all this. So we stuffed down the rest of our chilli, nachos and cheese combo from the night before and retired to the car to watch a film for the evening. After a little while, we both started complaining about our stomachs and we both looked pregnant! You can probably guess the rest from here, but the night ended in us simultaneously throwing up… can you tell we’ve been travelling together too long haha!! However disgusting this was, we did end up feeling a hell of a lot better afterwards thankfully.

After the wine fiasco, we left Margaret River the next day and visited Cape Leeuwin. It is on the most southern westerly tip of Australia, where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet. It is home to a lighthouse, which funnily enough had many of its parts built in Birmingham!

Walpole was next on the road trip itinerary, more from us soon.

Peace and Love,
Lyds & Bex

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